Monday 17 March 2014

Chocolate Ganache Cake

Ganache covered cake
   I made a chocolate sponge cake and took it to my assessors house where I melted double cream and dark chocolate in a bain-marie until it was all combined. Then I spooned some ganache into the middle of the cake before putting the other half on top. Then I spooned lots of ganache on top of the cake and used a large palette knife to smooth ganache over the entire cake. 
Piped zig-zags
Chocolate stars
    Then I left the ganache to cool whilst I melted some dark chocolate and put it into a piping bag and cut a long strip of baking parchment which I piped the chocolate onto in sharp zig-zag patterns. I then put another layer of ganache onto the cake and piped other patterns onto some baking paper. Once the zig-zags had dried a little I pressed it onto the side of the cake and let it dry.

Peeling off the parchment
zig-zag collar

20 minutes later and all of the chocolate had dried and I was able to peel off the baking parchment and reveal the chocolate zig-zag collar. To finish, I covered the top of the cake in piped chocolate starts that I had made earlier.
The finished cake

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